Looking to buy or sell materials?
40K PET clear or mixed color regrind
80K ASA Luran 777 black regrind
PC injection grade 10 melt 12 izod
40K Celcon M-90 mixed color regrind
40k EPS white densified blocks
40K PC/ASA black or mixed colors regrind
40K PC/ABS black regrind
80K TPO black regrind bumper grade, non-painted
40K PET clear regrind, preform/bottle grade clear no barriers
40K HIPS mixed or assorted color regrind
40K Polypropylene 30%-35% glass-filled regrind
80k Copolymer PP high melt 2+ izod regrind
40K Nylon 6/6 black regrind 30% glass-filled
40K ABS white, grey and grey and white, regrind 6 izod
80K ASA white/ grey regrind
80K MDPE pipe mixed color regrind
40K PC hard-coated clear, or clear and black regrind 2 izod
40K PET black reprocessed pellets, .55 IV
40K PET clear or pigmented sheet/tray regrind
40K Homopolymer black reprocessed pellets 30 melt

Selling ASA grey and white regrind

TPT is selling TL's of ASA white regrind

Selling: Nylon 6/6 black regrind 33% GF

Selling: 20K HoPP 40% glass-filled

LDPE 20 melt natural regrind

Selling TL's of Polycarbonate lens grade and hard coated 11 melt 2 izod. Available in 100% clear or black.

PP homopolymer natural regrind 3 melt

PET clear regrind sheet grade in boxes
Please fill out the form below.
We look forward to assisting you with whatever your needs may be.